in Collaboration with IEEE organized ICCEREC 2018
Telkom University in Collaboration with IEEE organized ICCEREC 2018
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FTE) Telkom University in collaboration with the IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society Indonesia Chapter again organized the 4th International Conference on Control Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications 2018 (ICCEREC) which went on from December 5-7 2018, at El Royale Hotel Bandung. Hundreds of Papers from 5 Continents Enliven ICCEREC 2018.
Sigit Yuwono, Ph.D as chairman of ICCEREC 2018 said that this year ICCEREC received 105 papers from 17 countries, 5 continents namely North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
“After going through a selection process from 109 reviewers we got 54 papers from 10 countries, this standard refers to the IEEE standard.” Said Sigit.
In ICCEREC 2018 there were 3 keynote speakers among others Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Irraivan Elamvazuthi from Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia with a discussion on Robotic in Healthcare: Advance and Opportunities, then Dr. Muhamad Reza from Telkom University and Solvina Sweden’s who discussed about Indonesian e-Vehicle Potential, and Dr. Nasrullah Armi from the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) which discussed about Dynamic Spectrum Access for Efficient Spectrum Use.
Vice Rector III for National Admission and International Partnership Telkom University Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti when opening this event said that every year all faculties in Tel-U must hold an International Conference to improve the quality of research to be world-class research.
“Thanks to the researchers who have participated in international conference held by FTE, hopefully the results of this conference can bring change to both Indonesian and the world.” She said.