Award of Best Partnership Data Management
Award of Best Partnership Data Management. Telkom University, in the event of Diktiristek Award 2021, successfully won an award as the Best Partnership Data Management in the Private University category. The aspects assessed in this award include the support of higher education leadership or policies in terms of organization, funding, and human resources (HR), the quality of SOPs for national and international partnership, the achievements of partnership in the period of 2020 to 1st semester of 2021, partnership achievements with the world’s top 100 partners and the quality of attachments of national and international partnership documents.
This is the 1st time Telkom University won this award. Award of Best Partnership Data Management is also the first award won in 2022.
Award of Best Partnership Data Management is one of the award categories issued by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, where this appreciation is given to universities with the best management of partnership and the best industrial partners who have collaborated with universities. Thursday, January 13th, 2022, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology held “Diktiristek Award 2021” which was broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Director General of Higher Education and Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek).
Award of Best Partnership Data Management
The Acting Director General of Research and Technology, Prof. Nizam, in the event of Diktiristek Award 2021, said that this partnership award category was a proactive step from the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology to monitor and evaluate higher education efforts for IKU 6, which is a learning program with world-class partners. This award is very important.
“This year we will increase the matching funds to encourage closer cooperation between universities and industry. This will make universities a source of growth of excellent human resources for the development of the nation and state”, he said.
Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya who attended the Diktiristek Award 2021 expressed his gratitude to all parties who have supported Telkom University in achieving this award, especially to industrial partners who helped Telkom Universy in producing an excellent generation for the Indonesia. “Congratulations to Telkom University academia for this partnership award, this is a mandate for us to continue to provide the best for Indonesia, through good quality education and partnership”, he said.(IO)***