AUMR Robot & INSERTA, from Telkom University to the World
AUMR Robot & INSERTA, from Telkom University to the World. Corona virus or well known as COVID 19 is still not over yet. Moreover, nowadays it has attacked a number of countries in the world, including Indonesia. Positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia are increasing day by day. Various efforts to prevent and overcome this global pandemic continue to be carried out by the Indonesian government and all levels of society.
Isolating suspected or positive patients of Covid-19 in several hospitals has been done by medis team. Disinfection and sterilization of isolation rooms are also very necessary to eliminate and reduce contamination of microorganisms (including Covid 19 virus) whether they are attached to objects (equipment), floors or air. The direct interaction of the medical team with positive patients of COVID-19 has a vast opportunities for transmission. To reduce the risk of transmission to the medical team, effective methods and means of disinfection sterilization are needed remotely.
Therefore, Telkom University team succeeded in inventing an innovation tool, called Autonomous UVC Mobile Robot (AUMR). This robot will be used for Disinfection & Sterilization in the Covid-19 Positive Patient Isolation Room without direct human intervention. Thus, it can minimize Covid-19 transmission. They are Angga Rusdinar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University), Dr. Irwan Purnama (Instrumentation Development Center of LIPI Bandung), Dr. Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana (Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University), and Dr. Ratih Asmana (Biotechnology Research Center, LIPI Bogor), the great researchers of Indonesia.
Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr, Adiwijaya said, “Autonomous UVC Mobile Robot (AUMR) is the first AUMR Robot in Indonesia, while previously similar tools are used in several countries, including Denmark. Hopefully this tool is useful to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia”.
This robot can be used for around 5 hours, and for its UVC work system can last about 1 hour. To control this robot can be done in several modes: a remote control, autonomous control mode by tracking lines or laser range navigation. This robot is also equipped with an ultrasonic sensor to avoid crashing into nearby objects. This robot is planned to be tested at Pindad Hospital Bandung and Wisma Athlete Jakarta.
Not only that, to support the government policy which is all people are encouraged to use masks whenever going outside, Telkom University also innovated INSERTA Replaceable Mask. Telkom University concerns about the scarcity of the mask at this time, whereas we know that the use of masks is one of the important ways to break the chain of the coronavirus spreads.
INSERTA is an innovation product from Product Design study program, Faculty of Creative Industry. It is a fabric mask with a “pocket” featured and replaceable filter inside. This extra filter is created to increase protection against droplets and dust that may be inhaled when we braethe. INSERTA comes from “insert-again” which consists of three layers:
- The inner layer is 70% cotton fabric that is comfortable for skin,
- The second layer has a pocket to replace the filter,
- The third layer has two pieces of rope that are long enough and easily tied and wrapped with a distinctive logo and colored design of Telkom University.
By inventing those innovation, it is expected that Telkom University can more contribute to the society especially in facing through COVID-19 together. TOGETHER, WE AGAINST COVID-19.(IO)***