After Joining Darmasiswa Program, The International Students Test their Bahasa Indonesia Ability and Indonesian Culture Knowledge

After Joining Darmasiswa Program, The International Students Test their Bahasa Indonesia Ability and Indonesian Culture Knowledge


Ngariuangan di Bandung

Jakarta, Kemdikbud. A total of 364 foreign students Scholarship Program participants Darmasiswa RI Academic Year 2013/2014 following activities Departure Briefing Scholarship Program Participants
Darmasiswa 2013/2014 TA RI, Wednesday (21/05) to Friday (22.05) in the city of Bandung. students came from 64 countries spread over 36 universities tingei in Indonesia. Deputy Chief Executive Departure Briefing Darmasiswa RI Scholarship Program Participants, audi Widarsa Surya said that this event is an event for foreign students have learned in Indonesia to show the results of learning.
This event was an opportunity for them to show the ability of what he had learned. There are special learning Indonesian, music, traditional arts, and others, “said audi When the execution of Indonesian Proficiency Test (TGI), in Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata unpad, Bandung, West Java, on Thursday (05/22/2014). Furthermore, Budi explained, Darmasiswa RI Scholarship Program is a government program
initiated by the Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation (PKLN) Kemdikbud. Programs that has been running since 1974, is pushing the introduction of the language and culture of Indonesia to
the world level.

The program is also intended for the young generation of the country that has a relationship Indonesian diplomatic. For a year they learn Indonesian, as well as art and culture in Indonesia. At the end of the program, students are always given a debriefing and performance capabilities of what has been learned in Indonesia. So, in the future they may be a small Indonesian ambassador in each country, Budi added. The briefing was held in cooperation Padjadjaran University, ITS, UPI, Unpas, STS , Digital, and Telkom University. A series of activities have been undertaken, such as performing arts, TGI test, tree planting, batik and angklung and workshops. Events held in 3 places, the Hotel Grand Panghegar London, Forest City aabakan Siliwangi, and Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata unpad. Some representatives of foreign students also displays his talent. Example of unpad, featuring poetry readings by Zuzana Lehotska, foreign students from the Czech Republic with accompaniment by harp music. When TKBI encountered in the implementation, several students said he was happy to know Indonesian culture. Learning Indonesian was quite difficult, but I can learn it the littlelittle and I love to get to know better the culture in Indonesia, “said one of the foreign students of French origin.

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