Information for Timorense Candidates
Telkom University presents information for Timorense candidates regarding the previous onsite test which was held for two days in Pusat Budaya Indonesia (PBI) Dili, Timor Leste on 30-31 July 2018. The onsite test had been held successfully thanks to the cooperative participants and committee.
Almost 300 applicants were following the selection test to enter Telkom University in PBI Dili, Timorleste on Monday – Tuesday (30-31/7/18). This number increased significantly around 45% from last year onsite selection test. The record shows that the enthusiast of Timorense to study in Telkom University keep increasing. They applied for diploma 3 years program, bachelor 4 years program, and also 2 years master program. The test was conducted twice each day, the first session in the morning started at 09.00 a.m. and the second session in the afternoon started at 1 p.m. local time. The candidates were excited and enthusiastic took the test for pursuing their study in Telkom University.
Telkom University offers scholarship for these top ten candidates based on the onsite test result. The result will be announced in October 2018 via email. University will only contact you via admission@io.telkomuniversity.ac.id, or Whatsapp number +62 81321123400. Other Numbers and emails except what we mentioned above IS NOT Telkom University and kindly be ignored.
Moreover, Telkom University proudly provides scholarship worth 7 billion Indonesian Rupiah every year for international students all over the world. For you who did not participate on the onsite test, no need to worry since you still have the chance to apply again next September. Online registration will be started again next September, kindly wait for further details by following our social media. Stay tune guys!