Tim Bonanza Tel-U Won Prize in ERM Challenges 2015
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Bonanza of Telkom University (Tel-U) won the prize in 2015 in ERM Challenges. ERM Challenges 2015 is a business simulation competition on an international scale processes that take place in the final phase of the SIM, Singapore University on May 9 last. This event is a result of cooperation with the PCC Telkom Monsoon and SAP Asia Pacific.
Information System’s Student from Telkom University (Tel-U), Puspita Ayu Kartika, very grateful for the victory. “I understand more about the business processes through ERP sim Monsoon application. Besides friendly, ERP sim Monsoon applications is much more real and easier to learn, “said Puspta.
At the competition, Telkom PCC supports a total prize worth 10 million rupiah for the student winner of a play-off ERM Challenges, 2015. For the winners of play-off between the campus in Bandung, Telkom PCC gives out prizes in cash Rp 7,500,000 for the first winner of ” Tim Bonanza “and Rp 2,500,000 for the second winner of” Tim Motekar “from Pasundan University. The prize carried out by the Director of PCC Telkom Amelia Katrin in TPCC campus, Tuesday (16/5).
In line with Puspita, Lutfi, students at Pasundan University was grateful to be able to get the opportunity to attend an interview with SAP SEA (South East Asia). “The interview was to find some candidates for the new SAP project. Project related to the field of Business Development Activities with a duration of 6 months. It was an excellent opportunity for students, “said Lutfi.
ERM Challenge 2015 attracted more than 500 students from 20 universities across Southeast Asia to compete in the play-off rounds from January to April. This competition specifically for students who want to understand the concept of business process ERP Simulation Games. “Game of business processes can be played in one game by 10-50 people and can be divided again into groups of 2-10 people,” said, “said Public Relations Telkom PCC, Selly marthiany, Thursday (18/6).
Each group played a virtual company. The group had a large profit would become the winner. In this game the participants could learn the basics of financials, logistics, manufacturing, business intelligence, maintenance, warehousing, transportation and much more. (purel / risca / selly)