Study Abroad or Not: How to decide

Study Abroad or Not: How to decide

Study abroad or Not: How to decide. As part of the internationalization plan, Telkom University opens many collaborations with partner universities around the world to provide opportunities for students to develop and gain beneficial international exposure. One of the collaborations in this program is through a student exchange program. Even though the phenomenon of studying abroad is now widespread and popular, there are still many students who are hesitant to take this golden opportunity: Study abroad or Not: How to decide

Responding to these challenges, in 2022 Telkom University International Office is back with its splendid program After Class Talk. Entitled Study Abroad or Not: How to decide, this event was held on Thursday, January 27th 2022 at 2 pm via zoom meeting. The event, which has the same title as the main theme, namely Study Abroad or Not: How to decide, focuses on how students can be motivated to choose opportunities to study abroad. This event invited Meizan Arthur Alfianto, an IISMA awardee of Twente University from Telkom University, and Bhawya, an International Student of Telkom University from India to share their experience and opinion related to Study Abroad or Not: How to decide.

Study Abroad or Not: How to decide, Big Decision

Opening the first interval, Meizan came with some core questions related to Study Abroad or Not: How to decide: Are You Independent Enough to Live Alone? Are you ready to face a new culture? Are you ready to feel homesick when your study? Are you ready to encounter new challenges in your life? Those four questions lead the audience to small contemplation about Study Abroad or Not: How to decide. How our decisions essentially answer these basic questions. Then Meizan gave some tips to encounter this dilemma such as identify your passion, determine the desired country, find out the school in the destination country, look for fees such as scholarships, for example, and always upgrade your knowledge.

In the second interval of the Study Abroad or Not: How to decide event, Bhawya was present as a speaker. Bhawya as a student of International Telkom University shared his experience in answering the dilemma of Study Abroad or Not: How to decide by doing a SWOT analysis. By doing this SWOT analysis, apart from knowing how prepared we are in deciding whether to study abroad or not, we also know the benefits if we make that decision.

The inspirational presentations about Study Abroad or Not: How to decide from Meizan and Bhawya lead us to the conclusion that studying abroad not only expands the knowledge and networking for students, moreover, the ability to face and overcome problems will also be honed. Both are important to prepare them to enter the world of work in the future.

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Study Abroad or Not How to decide