Remote Short-Term Student Exchange Program 2020 Tel U & Univ. of Malaya: “Opening Ceremony & Cultural Session”
Remote Short-Term Student Exchange Program 2020 Tel U & Univ. of Malaya: “Opening Ceremony & Cultural Session”. The Remote Short-Term Student Exchange Program 2020 is a mobility program, including inbound and outbound program organized by Telkom University and University of Malaya, Malaysia. As other online short course program organized by Telkom University and international partner universities, this program is held to enrich students’ school life experience, deepen students’ cross-cultural skills and global mindset, build students’ relationships, and strengthen students’ global awareness. This time, both inbound and outbound program are implemented in parallel starting November 16th to November 20th, 2020.
This morning, November 16th, 2020, the opening of the Remote Short-Term Student Exchange Program 2020 was held smoothly. In this opening ceremony, also attended the representatives of University of Malaya: Associate Prof. Dr. Maizatul Akmar Binti Ismail and Dr. Asmiza; and representative of Telkom University: the Director of Strategic Partnership and International Office, Lia Yuldinawati, S.T., M.M., who also delivered the welcoming speech. All participants from University of Malaya and Telkom University were officially warm welcomed in this opening ceremony.
After the opening ceremony ended, participants from the University of Malaya (inbound participants) continued the Cultural Session organized by the Telkom University International Office while participants from Telkom University (outbound participants) attended the Outbound Opening Ceremony organized by the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Inbound participants had the opportunity to see two traditional cultures of West Java, namely the Rampak Kendang performance and the Jaipongan “Bajidor Kahot” performance.
Apart from being presented with videos of Rampak Kendang and Jaipongan, they also received brief explanations about Rampak Kendang and Jaipongan from their talents. They are Gilang Handika, a Rampak Kendang player, and Shinda Regina, a Jaipongan dancer. They also demonstrated how to play Rampak Kendang and Jaipongan to the participants.
The participants seemed enthusiastic about learning West Java traditional cultures. It’s seen during the discussion session, they actively asked about Rampak Kendang and Jaipongan; there were even participants who were interested in buying a set of Kendang. Their performances truly got big applause and much appreciation from the inbound participants. We do aware that in this program the participants will learn a lot about the material which is quite challenging including Image Processing Using Open CV, Machine Learning, and AI in Everyday Life, so we start the first day of the short course with a Cultural Session so that they can start with fun activity.(IO)***