Performance of Tel-U in University Ranking 2022-2023
Performance of Tel-U in University Ranking 2022-2023. Performance of Telkom University, since its establishment has continued to improve. In the middle of 2022, Telkom University received 3 good news regarding its performance according to Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking, THE AUR (Asian University Ranking), and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings (WUR). According to Times Higher Education (THE) by Impact Rankings 2022, Telkom University succeeded in becoming the 1st rank among private universities and 12th rank among all universities (state & private universities) in Indonesia. Likewise, Telkom University managed to rank 401-600 in the world. Impact Rankings are the only global performance tables that assess universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). THE Impact Rankings use carefully calibrated indicators to provide a comprehensive and balanced comparison across four broad areas: research, stewardship, outreach and teaching.
Performance in THE Impact Rankings
Performance of Telkom University has led to be succeeded in being ranked 1 at the private university level, ranked 12 out of all Indonesian universities (state & private universities), and ranked 401-600 in the world in THE Impact Rankings 2022 with the overall score 65.0-71.9. From 17 goals in SDGs, Telkom University received good score in the following goals:
- Affordable & Clean Energy-SDGs no 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all with the score 70.3
- Clean Water & Sanitation-SDGs no 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all with the score 70.3
- Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure-SDGs no 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation with the score 47.5-57.1
- Partnership for the Goal-SDGs no 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development with the score 70.3-76.6
Performance in THE Asia University Rankings 2022
According to Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Ranking 2022, Telkom University’s performance is also remarkable. Tel-U again becomes the 1st rank of Private Universities in Indonesia. THE Asia University Rankings 2022 uses the same 13 performance indicators as THE World University Rankings, where THE AUR 2022 covers 616 universities from 31 regions in Asia. From 616 universities, Telkom University’s performance makes Tel-U managed to rank 401-500 in Asia, rank 9 nationally (up 1 place from last year), and rank first in private universities in Indonesia.
The performance indicators assessed are based on 5 areas, namely Teaching (the learning environment) performance; Research (volume, income and reputation) performance; Citation (research influence) performance; International outlook (staff, students and research) performance; and Industry Income (knowledge transfer) performance. From these indicators, Telkom University’s performance managed to achieve an overall score of 20.9-24.8, with details of Teaching 16.5; Research 12.0; Citations 31.0; International outlook 15.9; and Industry Income 35.3.
Performance in QS WUR 2023
According to QS World University Rankings (WUR) 2023, Telkom University achieved a total score of 9.25, also up from the previous year (score 8.04 in 2022). This performance makes Tel-U included in the Top 15 leading universities in Indonesia. Telkom University managed to rank 1001-1200 in the QS WUR, 551-600 in QS WUR by Subject, and 401-450 in Asia University Ranking. The following is the distribution of Telkom University performance in QS WUR: International Student Ratio 0.12; International Faculty Ratio 0.77; Faculty/Student Ratio 5.04; Citations per Faculty 0.28; Academic Reputation 2.28; and Employee Reputation 0.76.
Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya congratulates Telkom University for these achievements which are the result of hard work and smart work from the Telkom University academia as well as contributions from alumni and all stakeholders.(IO)***