Joint Short Course Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia (UiTM) and Telkom University
Bandung,Joint Short Course Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and Telkom University was held On Tuesday, 23rd May 2018, The Joint short course took place in the Multimedia room Gd. Bangkit Telkom University, started from 09:30 till 19.00.
The joint short course was attended by 28 students from UiTM and 19 students from Telkom University. This short course also followed the lecturer of UiTM, the 2nd Vice Dean of Faculty of Communication& Business Telkom University, Dr. Ir. Syariffudin, M.M, Head of Study Program Digital Public Relations Martha Tri Lestari, S.Sos.,MM, a lecturer from Digital Public Relations study program as one of the speaker in the event Ayub Ilfandy Imran, Ph.D.
Each university have representatives for presentation, the presentation was their own research about public relation. Telkom University was presented by 4 students and UiTM was presented by 3 students, with presentation of:
- Al Safina Ramadhanti & Michael Fabian Dias : “PR Activities: Evaluating Public Opinion Through Media Monitoring
- Rheina Alika Cahyani Putri & Eriska Tahzya Austrin : “Measuring Brand Impact and Brand Comparison”.
- Shahirar Alyssa Binti Yuzairi : “Public Relation in NGO/NPO: A Case Study of Teach for Malaysia”.
- Muhammad Farid Binti Abdul Latif : “Sport’s Public Relations: A Case of Football Association of Malaysia (FAM).
- Muhammad Firdaus Bin Hamsi : “CSR Malaysia”.
The outcome from this visit will be the analysis of current practices and approaches of public relations education in Indonesia and the comparison of it between Indonesia and Malaysia. (Pooja / IO)