Itinerary of Edutrip Road to Malaysia Singapore on March 2015
Edutrip is a program organized by International Office of Telkom University to improve global awareness and competitiveness of Telkom University students and staffs. The name Edutrip has a meaning of Educative trip and globalization, therefore the trip accommodates universities visit abroad.
1st batch 4-7 March 2015
No | Name on Passport | Student ID | Faculty of University / School | Study Program |
1 | Agung Widyaprakoso Winardi | 1201142446 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
2 | Akbar Maulana | 1201140449 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
3 | Andre Yana Wijaya | 1201142438 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
4 | Ayu Regita Cahyani Soleman | 1201144450 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
5 | Azka Sakinah Ramdhani | 1201140441 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
6 | Eco Jatmiko Panggabean | 1201140435 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
7 | Erica Grace Hutadjulu | 1201142434 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
8 | Galih Nurdiyanto | 1201144447 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
9 | Hamzah Abdul Baits | 1201142440 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
10 | Ilham Hadi Ismoyo | 1201140437 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
11 | Luthfi Fauzan | 1201144444 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
12 | Muhammad Firhand Aswad | 1201140451 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
13 | Muhammad Reza Bagja Barjaman | 1201142436 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
14 | Muhammad Sapta Rengga Rosyadi | 1201140452 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
15 | Musa Hadibrata | 1102120138 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
16 | Mutia Puspita Oktaviana | 1201140433 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
17 | Nadya Febrika | 1201140432 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
18 | Nurul Fitriani | 1201142442 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
19 | Revina Hardiyanti | 1201142443 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
20 | Riandi Aditia Darmayana | 1201144430 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
21 | Rizky Adhi Prasetyo | 1201142454 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
22 | Rudyta Lucyana Rosidi | 1201144431 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
23 | Satria Pratama Adi Nugraha | 1201140445 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
24 | Yahya Shomit Muhyiddin | 1201142448 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
25 | Yoga Widagda Wendy | 1201140428 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering (International Class) |
26 | Astari Fitria Puspita Dewi | 1102120194 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering |
27 | Zulfa Najah Amatillah | 1102120223 | Industrial Engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering |
2nd Batch 23-26 March 2015
No | Name on Passport | Student ID | Faculty of University / School | Study Program |
1 | Ridho Pratama Kastalani | 1403120133 | Creative Industry Faculty | Interior Design |
2 | Muhammad Haroen Al Rasyid | 1101120222 | Electrical Engineering Faculty | Communication Engineering |
3 | Aditya Putra Aviantoro | 1101120272 | Electrical Engineering Faculty | Telecommunication Engineering |
4 | Rizwan Herliady | 1101120224 | Electrical Engineering Faculty | Telecommunication Engineering |
5 | Yohanes Dickson Napitupulu | 1101120292 | Electrical Engineering Faculty | Telecommunication Engineering |
6 | Prasetyo Mulyo Hartono | 1102120206 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering |
7 | Ahmad Ali | 1102120224 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Industrial Engineering |
8 | Erdinanda Pandu Jiwatama | 1202140273 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
9 | Tita Harkianti Ajnaz | 1202142262 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
10 | Bill Power Sinaga | 1202140274 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
11 | Byan Fernando | 1202140257 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
12 | Chris Putratama Gusty | 1202144263 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
13 | Fadhil Muhammad Rizal | 1202142260 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
14 | Farah Qhiesta Nabila | 1202140258 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
15 | Fasya Dzul Fikri Akbar | 1202141275 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
16 | Gilar primayanto | 1202140266 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
17 | Ida Mahmudah | 1202140278 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
18 | Laras Widiastuti | 1202140256 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
19 | Mutmainnah Adnan Lanure | 1202140271 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
20 | Naufal Kesuma Putra | 1202140264 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
21 | Rafliansyah Ruslan | 1202144269 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
22 | Shahmirul Hafizullah Imanuddin | 1202142265 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
23 | Thea Nisaa Andi Saffanah | 1202140261 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
24 | Yukiyoshi Adhiyat Machdar | 1202140272 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
25 | Zainal Muttaqin Mulyadi | 1202144268 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |
26 | Zulkarnain Sahlan | 1202141255 | Industrial engineering Faculty | Information System (International Class) |