ISS 2023 : “Living the Culture: The Smiling Paris Van Java”
ISS 2023. The International Student Summit (ISS) 2023 is an annual activity of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) organized by Telkom University. Yups, this year, Telkom University had been chosen as the organizer for ISS 2023 that was successfully held from 16 to 18 October 2023 under the theme “Living the Culture: The Smiling Paris Van Java”. ISS 2023 was like a gathering event for foreign students, particularly Kemitraan Negera Berkembang (KNB) scholarship awardees who study at Indonesian universities.
In ISS 2023, around 170 KNB scholarship awardees from 27 universities in Indonesia that come from 52 countries showed their enthusiasm. One of the enthusiasms in ISS 2023 showed when all the KNB scholarship awardees joined the welcoming ceremony at the iconic Gedung Sate in Bandung, West Java. There were performances on traditional dances from West Java. The ISS 2023 opening ceremony was a true showcase of cultural diversity, unity, and the promise of a remarkable event ahead. The fusion of traditions and the spirit of international collaboration filled the air, marking the beginning of an unforgettable journey of ISS 2023.
Another enthusiasm from ISS 2023 participants was when there was a Mapag ceremony at the 2nd day of ISS 2023 as if they entered the beginning of their new life. In Mapag ceremony at the ISS 2023, there were a Lengser and West Java traditional dancing who welcomed all participants of ISS 2023. Afterwards, at the ISS 2923, they immersed themselves in a series of engaging events, such as tie dye workshop, West Java traditional games, Indonesian traditional dance competition, and the performance from the top three-story telling winners in ISS 2023.
Starting with a colorful tie-dye workshop where the participants of ISS 2023 have unleashed their creativity on fabrics, leaving a mark of their unique experiences guided by lecturers from School of Creative Industries Telkom Universities. According to the speakers of Tie Dye Workshop at the ISS 2023, Tie Dye is the process of forming several patterns on fabric or clothing by shaping and tying them, then giving color to the fabric. In Tie Dye competition at the 2nd day of ISS 2023, Mario Viana Guterres from ITB won the Tie Dye competition.
Another journey of ISS 2023, all participants of the ISS 2023 engaged together in West Java traditional games competition. Laughter filled the air as everyone has been introduced by HONG with the western java game, including the lively Cingciripit, the skillful Sapintrong, and the exciting Sorodot Gaplok in ISS 2023. These experiences were just the beginning of ISS 2023 Day 2, as the day continued with a spectacular traditional dance competition where every participant of ISS 2023 showed traditional dance from every culture in Indonesia such as Tari Lenggasor, Tari Rampak Kendang, Tari Gugur Gunung, Tari Topeng Bapang, Tari Rampak, and Tari Likok Pulo showing KNB Scholarship awardees as talents from all corners of Indonesia. In this traditional dance competition at the ISS 2023, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Surakarta won the best as the first place with Tari Gugur Gunung, Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) with Tari Lenggasor won the second place, and Telkom University with Tari Rampak Gendang won the third place in ISS 2023 Traditional Dance Competition.
Besides traditional dance competition, ISS 2023 also presented the storytelling competition with three winners:
- Abdulrohman Awae, from Thailand and a KNB scholarship awardee from Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) won the first place.
- Sundas Ejaz, a student of Gadjah Mada University, who told the story of Legenda Situ Bagendit won the second place.
- Tumelo Sebalo who presented Sangkuriang from Diponegoro University won the third prize.
Creative Vlog “Nilai Positif Indonesia” was also one of the competitions in ISS 2023. The creative talents for this Vlog competition were from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the favorite winner has been won by Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) for the ISS 2023.
All activities of ISS 2023 were closed attractively by joining the event at Saung Angklung Udjo and on the last day, all participants of ISS 2023 experienced the rafting and off-road at Pangalengan where all ISS 2023 participants continue their adventurous activities in one of West Java’s natural attractions with off-road and rafting in Situ Cileunca, Pengalengan. Not only have the ISS 2023 participants engaged with nature but also have they immersed themselves with the brave and joyous activities in ISS 2023.
As we draw the curtains on ISS 2023, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who took a part in making ISS 2023 event a resounding success. It’s been an incredible journey of cultural exchange, knowledge sharing, and forging new connections in ISS 2023. We appreciate the participation and dedication of ISS 2023 participants, the hard work of our organizers, and the support of our sponsors in ISS 2023. The memories created in the ISS 2023 event will stay with us, and we hope to reunite on another occasion to continue this enriching journey of global collaboration and understanding. Thank you, and until we meet again, let the spirit of ISS 2023 Living the Culture: The Smiling Paris Van Java continue to inspire all of us.
The most point of this event ISS 2023 is the diversity of Indonesian culture with the aim of strengthening brotherhood without any differences in the country and abroad.