International Summer Course 2024

International Summer Course 2024

International Summer Course 2024. On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, Telkom University proudly hosted Day 2 of the highly anticipated The International Summer Course 2024, themed “Smart Farming Towards Sustainable Agricultural Production: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Improved Agricultural Production.” This summer course is designed to introduce and enhance smart farming practices for sustainable agriculture, as part of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture at Unpad.


Organized by the Faculty of Agriculture at Padjadjaran University in collaboration with Wageningen University, IPB University, and Telkom University, this five-day event adopts a hybrid teaching format. The International Summer Course 2024 combines face-to-face interactions with virtual participation, particularly accommodating international attendees, thereby ensuring a diverse and inclusive learning experience.


The International Summer Course 2024 is an interdisciplinary program featuring theoretical lectures, practical training, and field visits to agricultural locations. This structure aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in smart agriculture.


Day 2 International Summer Course 2024 at Telkom University was marked by two insightful sessions. The first session of International Summer Course 2024 was led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Bedir Tekinerdogan, who delivered an engaging lecture on “Introduction to Data Algorithms and Analytics – Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI.” Prof. Tekinerdogan’s presentation provided participants with a robust understanding of how advanced data algorithms and analytics can be applied to enhance agricultural productivity.


The second session of International Summer Course 2024 featured Giva Andriana Mutiara, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., who discussed the “Application of Data Analytics (Smart Technologies) in Indonesian Agriculture.” Dr. Mutiara’s session highlighted practical examples and case studies demonstrating the impact of smart technologies on the agricultural sector in Indonesia.


Participants of International Summer Course 2024, both online and onsite, exhibited high levels of enthusiasm and engagement throughout the day. The International Summer Course 2024 class was divided into two segments—material presentation and class discussions—facilitating in-depth exploration of the topics covered. This dynamic setup enabled a rich exchange of ideas and fostered collaborative learning among attendees.


The success of Day 2 International Summer Course 2024 underscores the importance of interdisciplinary approaches and the integration of smart technologies in achieving sustainable agricultural production. As the Summer School 2024 continues, participants can look forward to more transformative sessions and field activities that will further enhance their understanding and application of smart farming practices.




Contact Information

Instagram: @iotelkomuniv

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Phone Number: 0813-2112-3400


For more information about the Summer School 2024 and other event, please visit