Indonesia Immigration & International Student Regulation Updates
Indonesia Immigration & International Student Regulation Updates.
The Indonesian government in the near future will open the border for foreign nationals. Since the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), Indonesia was finally able to flatten the curve and managed to contain the spread of Covid-19. This situation encourages the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to issue a new regulation on permits for foreign nationals to travel to Indonesia.
Referring to:
- Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights pf the Republic of Indonesia Number M.HH-03.GR.01.05 Year 2021 concerning the Types of Activities for Foreign nationals on the Granting of Visa During the Time of Handling the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 and the National Economy Recovery (See attachment 1: https://bit.ly/immigrationattch)
- Circular Letter of the Task Force for Handling Covid-19 Number 20 Year 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols During the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic (See attachment 2: https://bit.ly/immigrationattch)
- The Addendum of COVID-19 Handling Task Force No.18 Year 2021 (See attachment 3: https://bit.ly/immigrationattch)
Telkom University has adopted a decision, as the Important Updates on Indonesian Immigration and International Student Regulation: (See circular letter: https://bit.ly/immigrationattch)
Indonesia International Student Regulation
- Students can enter the Indonesia territory for the purpose of education using Study Visa (index C316)
- Students holding an active visa or stay permit are permitted to enter Indonesia territory
- Students can apply for a student visa by filling out statement letter and application letter
- Applications for entering Indonesia and Telkom University will open in November 2021
- Students must follow the COVID-19 protocols and isolation upon arrival to Indonesia
- All costs related to arrival and isolation are borne by the student (except for KNB students)
- Telkom University does not provide isolation places
- Students are encouraged to have additional insurance other than Telkom University insurance before entering Indonesia
Accommodation Requirements
- New students apply for dormitory use before entering Indonesia
- For students who decide to live outside of campus dormitory, should coordinate with the owner of the residence and the International Office
- Students have done full isolation in accordance with the provisions of the Indonesian Government
- Students apply for entering dormitory by attaching a letter of quarantine completion from the relevant authorities and a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR result with a maximum of 1 day before arrival to the campus dormitory
Learning Activity
- Learning Activities at Telkom University are still carried out online until an undetermined time
All provisions are subject to change at any time in accordance with the development of COVID-19 conditions, the applicable rules in Indonesia regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, regulations for foreign nationals in Indonesia territory and Telkom University regulations.
Telkom University completely complies with the Indonesian Government regulation and fully support any required action to handle COVID-19 issue. As this is a globally evolving situation, further closures, travel bans or quarantines may be implemented at any time.(IO)***