Inauguration Day 2023: TelU Welcomed 8.981 New Students
Inauguration Day 2023. Telkom University sent the warmest greeting to 8.981 new students from all over Indonesia for Inauguration Day 2023. On 14-15 September 2023, Telkom University (Tel-U) officially inaugurated 8.981 new students at the Open Senate Session for New Student Admissions for the 2023/2024 Academic Year at the Telkom University Convention Hall (TUCH). The Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya congratulated and advised all new students to be able to become excellent students at excellent university, Telkom University on this special occasion of Inauguration Day 2023 of new students of Telkom University.
On Inauguration Day 2023 for new students of Telkom University in front of 8.981 new students, Prof. Adiwijaya, then said “At the moment, all of you are at the best private university in Indonesia, after competing with hundreds of thousands of applicants. All of the students who are here today are among the best and should show credibility as students who could positively contribute, be intelligent and excellent, and participate in a valuable action to the society. Once again, I welcome all of you to Telkom University.”
The number of students for each faculty at Telkom University for Inauguration Day 2023 for new students of Telkom University. On Inauguration Day 2023, the new students of Telkom University who were inaugurated have come from 7 faculties at Telkom University:
- School of Electrical Engineering (FTE) has accepted the largest number of students with the total 1.590 students.
- School of Industrial Engineering (FRI) was in the second position and has accepted 1.344 new students.
- The third position was School of Computing (FIF) that has accepted 1.333 new students.
- School of Communication and Business (FKB) has accepted 1.314 new students.
- 217 new students have been accepted by School of Economics and Business (FEB).
- School of Creative Industries (FIK) has accepted 1.135 creative and fabulous students.
- Last but not least, School of Applied Sciences (FIT) has accepted 1.048 amazing new students.
On this occasion of the Inauguration Day 2023, the Director for Academic Telkom University, Mr. Parman Sukarno, Ph.D. stated that “Telkom University is a miniature that represents Indonesia in which new students come from various cultures in Indonesia with diverse stories and backgrounds”. On Inauguration Day 2023, Mr. Parman Sukarno, Ph.D. also explained “the new students of Telkom University in 2023 come from all regions in Indonesia. Of all regions in Indonesia,
The largest number of students comes from Java Island, especially West Java, Jakarta, Banten, and Center Java. Then, North Sumatera became the fifth province where many of new students are coming from to study at Telkom University. Telkom University also accepted new students from western of Indonesia to the eastern of Indonesia, there are 62 students from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and 41 new students from Papua in 2023.”
Mr. Parman also reported that there are 5 youngest new students for the Inauguration Day 2023, two of them are 16 years old, M. Rahim A. Malik (from Bachelor Program of Telecommunication Engineering) and M. Akbar Putra P. (Bachelor Program of Informatics). While from Master Program, Telkom University has accepted 2 new students who are now 20 years old, named Marsha Clarabell (Master Program of Electrical Engineering) and Farrel Fania (Master Program of Industrial Engineering). Also 1 new student who is now 44 years old majoring Doctoral Program in Informatics (Veronikha Effendy).
Prof. Adiwijaya on this special Inauguration Day 2023 expressed his hopes for new students to be able to realize their dreams and give their best at every opportunity. “Hopefully all new students can be good students by showing excellence in the form of achievements so that in the future you all will be easily accepted in the field of industry in the next 4 years. Hope that all students can make their dreams come true and give their best at every opportunity. Once again, I welcome you and will be seeing you again in the next 4 years in the same room for graduation day,” Prof. Adiwijaya closed his speech on the Inauguration Day 2023 of Telkom University.
Moreover, on the Inauguration Day 2023, The Open Senate Session for the new students of Telkom University 2023/2024 was also held at Campus A, Telkom University Jakarta on Friday (15/9). The Rector of Telkom University and the Telkom University Senate inaugurated new students for the Bachelor Program of Telecommunication Engineering, Bachelor Program of Information Technology, Bachelor Program of Information Systems, and Bachelor Program of Visual Communication Design.
The Inauguration Day 2023 for the new students oof Telkom University will becoming the memorable event for students 2023. It will mark their journey as new students facing the challenges with various opportunities ahead. Welcome New students of Telkom University 2023, Be brave, be excellent, be TelUtizen, and be happy on the Inauguration Day 2023.