ICSC 2022, Indonesian Culture Short Camp 2022
ICSC 2022, Indonesian Culture Short Camp 2022. ICSC 2022. ICSC 2022 the acronym of the Indonesian Culture Short Camp 2022 is one of the events from the international office of Telkom University that invited all foreign students from Bandung Raya to learn and have a fun experience with the Sundanese culture. ICSC 2022 was held on Friday-Saturday (25-26/3/22) in Telkom University campus and Pangalengan, Bandung. The event was held for two days and it runs well.
On the first day of the ICSC 2022, before entering the venue, all of the participants of ICSC 2022 should be tested negative COVID-19. ICSC 2022 began at 09.00 a.m. WIB was attended by 32 participants from various universities in Bandung Raya. The opening of ICSC 2022 began with the performance of the Jaipong traditional dance. After that Mrs. Indah Fajarwati S.E., M.M. as the manager of International Office Telkom University, and Mrs. Lia Yuldinawati S.T., M.M. as the Director of Strategic Partnership and International Office Telkom University open the event with a speech to welcoming the participants to the ICSC 2022.
Furthermore, ICSC 2022 began with Sundanese Letter Workshop with Mr. Faza Fauzan Azima who can be called Kang Ojan as the speaker of the Sundanese Letter Workshop. Mr. Faza Fauzan Azima who can be called “Kang Ojan” shared his knowledge about Sundanese characters and also gave the exercises for all participants of ICSC 2022, so all the participants of ICSC 2022 will know how to write a word and a number with Sundanese characters.
After the Sundanese Letter Workshop, all the participants of ICSC 2022 are invited to experienced Sundanese traditional games and toys playing in Sundanese Traditional Toys and Games Workshop with the Hong Community. The session was very fun. All of the participants of ICSC 2022 enjoyed every single game they played. On the first day of ICSC 2022, the participants were also invited to know more about Telkom University through a campus tour. After that, the activities continued by watching Disney’s Encanto on the Movie Night session.
ICSC 2022 Day 2
The second day of ICSC 202 was held at Situ Cilenca, Pangalengan, Bandung. All of the committee and the participants of ICSC 2022 went from Bangkit Building, Telkom University to Situ Cilenca, Pangalengan at 08.00 a.m. WIB. At Situ Cilenca, Pangalengan, the ICSC 2022 began a team-building session. The team-building session was led by the team of Situ Cilenca and it runs full of excitement. All of the participants of ICSC 2022 were happy and enjoyed the solidarity game, water volleyball game, and color game that they have had. Furthermore, the excitement gets heightened when it comes to rafting sessions. After all the exciting activities going on, finally, ICSC 2022 came to an end.
Thank you for the participation and also the fiery spirit from all of the participants of ICSC 2022. Hope to see you again in ICSC 2023!(IO)***