Hybrid Blended Learning Lectures is Started
Hybrid Blended Learning Lectures is started at Telkom University. This hybrid Blended Learning lectures is might as well a homecoming for some of Telkom University’s students.
The hybrid Blended Learning lectures is started at Thursday (12/5/22) that involved more than 7.000 students. This is only a quarter of the total Telkom University students. Initially the hybrid and blended learning lectures will be started on February 2022, but the hybrid and blended learning lectures was postponed due to the Omicron case explosion.
Telkom University Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dadan Rahadian said that students who took part in hybrid blended learning lectures had extraordinary enthusiasm, especially for the Class of 2020 students who were taking onsite lectures for the first time.
“Alhamdulillah, this is the first day of the hybrid and blended learning model. The enthusiasm of the students was extraordinary, most of them are students from the class of 2020 who had just set foot on campus for the first time. It’s historical,” he added.
Hybrid Blended Learning Lectures Health Protocols
The hybrid and blended learning lectures are carried out with strict health protocols. It took months for Telkom University to prepare the hybrid and blended learning lectures. Dr. Dadan explained that the hybrid and blended learning lectures even use a system that has been integrated in each classroom.
“There has been an update of the tools that has been carried out well by the university, the faculty, and the related directorates for this hybrid and blended learning lectures. I think it’s quite good,” he said.
Dr. Dadan also added that the campus continues to evaluate and improve regarding the implementation of hybrid and blended learning lectures. Considering that the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, Telkom University has prepared a Covid-19 Task Force Team to monitor students who carry out hybrid and blended learning lectures.
“We still have a lot of work to adjust so that this hybrid and blended learning course can run well. Thank you for the support of all parties related to the implementation of this hybrid and blended learning course, I hope the hybrid and blended learning lectures can run smoothly in the future,” he said.(IO)***