Huawei ICT Competition 2018
Telkom University Student Represented Indonesia in Huawei ICT Competition 2018 in Asia.
Bandung – One of Telkom University students succeeded to win Huawei ICT Competition 2018. He is an undergraduate student of Electrical Engineering Faculty (FTE), namely Espinal Adrinaldi.
This competition took place in two stages, a theory test on November 30, and a practice test on December 5. Both tests took place at Telkom University. Adrinaldi, won first place at university level and got a trip to Shenzhen, China.
Furthermore Adrinaldi followed the same competition at national level. Telkom University sent two teams, namely Tel-U A and Tel-U B. Adrinaldi himself joined Tel-U A with two other students from Information System study program. The national level competition took place on December 17-18 and the team headed by Adrinaldi won 2nd place. Adrinaldi’s hard work succeeded in defeating well-known universities such as the Universitas Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University and the Surabaya Institute of Technology.
Becoming a champion at national level made Adrinaldi and the team represent Indonesia at a higher level of competition, namely Asia. Tel-U team with a team from ITB will compete at JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta in the next few weeks.