Guide to Being a Buddy

Guide to Being a Buddy

Guide to Being a Buddy. Although it seems excited, living and studying in a different country certainly invites many challenges. International students definitely need help while in a foreign country, especially in the first weeks of their adaptation. For this reason, Telkom University through the International Office provides assistance for international students, both academically and morally. IOSBC is a club formed by the international office contain selected Tel-U student who assigned as friends for International student. Those selected Tel-U students require to attend some training, and one of them is about the guide to being a buddy.

This Self-Development Program for Buddies is a series of activities to prepare awesome buddies. Held on Tuesday 13 July 2021, this event invited Ms. Mefty Septiani as Assistant Manager of International Services to provide material on Guide to being a buddy. This event is also equipped with a guide book making workshop which contains a guide to being a buddy and interesting tips in the world of buddy.

Guide to Be A Great Buddy

Although it seems simple, the guide to being a buddy is the most essential material. Because the existence of these buddies is not only as casual friends, but also as representatives of Telkom University in the eyes of international students. Two very important things in Guide to being a buddy are how a buddy understands their role as a buddy but can still create certain boundaries.

In her presentation on Guide to being a buddy, Ms. Mefty Septiani explained several things about the role of buddy including being a friendly and welcoming face, continue to answer queries, provide university and local information on an on-going basis, take part in “Welcoming Event” and other social events with your Buddy, maintain contact, even if your Buddy is feeling ‘at home’, and be a good representative of Telkom University and Indonesia. This is the ultimate guide.

Meanwhile, the guide also included things that need to be limited include expected to act in ways that are consistent with the role and guiding values of the University, and that does not impede or prejudice the work of other members of the community; and expected to act with integrity and demonstrate respect for others. By understanding this guide to being a buddy, a buddy can remain a good friend to foreign students, and can also remain a good representative for campuses and Indonesia.

The event which lasted for 2 hours was closed with a workshop and brainstorming on making Guide Books for buddies and foreign students. Workshop participants were divided into groups to discuss the contents of the book, as well as about Guide to being a buddy. The main purpose of this event is to prepare cool buddies to welcome foreign students who attend, and hopefully the purpose of this Guide to being a buddy event can be achieved.(IO)***

guide to being buddy