FKB Student Chosen as GenRe Ambassador Bandung 2015
BANDUNG, TEL-U – Venita Astrio, student of Communication Sciences Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University (FKB Tel-U) managed to win second place as Student Ambassador GenRe Bandung 2015. This event was held by the Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning Agency (BPPKB) Bandung, Saturday ( 9/5). Generation Planning (GenRe) is a government program created to support the Family Planning (KB).
Venita explained, through this program, teenagers are prepared from early time to establish their mindset and given the knowledge of the GenRe. “So when the teen already has a family later on, could realize a small family happy and prosperous,” he said.
In addition to disseminating the program planning, program GenRe also discussed issues related to teenagers. As well as the dangers of drugs and free sex that makes teenagers lost their good behavior. “As ambassadors we try to steer teenage friends so as not to trap themselves on such of behavior,” said Venita.
To be a winner, Venita must pass through several stages. In the selection phase tested are public speaking skills, knowledge of the genre, and the aptitude test. After passing the selection phase, participants were elected then quarantined for three days for the deepening of the material. Then a new entry into the final stage which was held on Saturday (9/5).
According to Venita, to be an ambassador she came to know many things about the genre of programs that can be used for sharing to friends. “Being an ambassador in the city into her own accomplishment for me, although I am not the original Bandung,” she said. (Purel / EAD)