The Minister revealed that the higher education system in Indonesia must be adaptive and flexible to be relevant to the challenges of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and disruptive innovation. Distance Learning “PJJ” is a strategic program in facing Industrial Revolution 4.0. Telkom University School of Economic and Business supports the realization of the government’s efforts in Industrial Revolution 4.0 by opening a Distance Learning Master of in Management by carrying out the vision of becoming a PJJ (Distance Learning) Management Study Program that produces superior leaders with international standards in digital-based business management. The Study Program at Master degree of Management PJJ embodies digital education as the implementation of teaching in the field of economics and digital-based business. This is especially in accordance with the character of the current generation who have high interaction with digital technology.
With the existence of the Distance Learning Master degree of Management Study Program, it is hoped that it can develop excellent leaders through the implementation of international standard teaching, research and community service activities by utilizing the networks and capabilities of stakeholders in the digital-based industry.
Distance Learning Master of Management has a vision to become an international standard study program that excels nationally with a focus on entrepreneurship and active in the use of digital technology in the field of digital business management to achieve sustainable development goals that have a positive impact on the global level in 2028.
Course List: HERE
Why should you choose Distance Learning Master Degree of Telecommunication Engineering?
The learning method of lectures applied to Master of Management PJJ is distance learning, which is held fully online (100% fully online) Asynchronously (self-study, > 50%) and Synchronous (face-to-face online, < 50%) through the Learning Management System (LMS). In addition, other advantages of the PJJ (Online Learning) program are:

Graduates are able to understand and decide which analysis method to use to identify problems, solve problems, develop alternative solutions, choose the best solution and implement it using digital technology in various fields of knowledge.

Graduates are able to innovate business models, able to do customer and community collaboration, cross-channel alternatives, cross-insight analysis, enable digital supply chains, and understand network workflows.

Graduates are able to design, implement, and develop new digital business ventures.
To become an international standard study program that excels nationally by focusing on entrepreneurship and actively utilizing digital technology in the field of digital business management to achieve sustainable development goals that have a positive impact on the global level in 2028.
For more information: HERE