Computer engineering has become a part of people’s lives today. The Internet of Things is no stranger to everyday life. The role of embedded systems in homes, offices, and industries that pay attention to network security has also become an interesting topic discussed and studied in the world. Robotics and intelligent systems are predicted to replace some human jobs. However, the number of human resources who can master these competencies still requires guidance and training in order to survive and innovate so as to provide added value to society.
The provision of automated systems allows the ease of implementing a digital lifestyle or smart living. The Diploma in Computer Engineering study program is a vocational study program that has advantages in the competency areas of Internet of Things, Embedded Systems, Robotics, and Network Engineering. So that the ability in this field is needed and to realize various systems within the scope of smart living.
Why should you choose Diploma Computer Engineering?
The Diploma in Computer Engineering study program continues to optimize the use of computers not only as devices / gadgets for doing administrative things but computers as programming media, controlling robots, drones, and future vehicles (Next Generation Vehicles) based on electricity and autonomy.
Graduate Profile

Lifelong learners who are able to adapt to the development of science and technology in the field of computer engineering.

Computer Professionals
Professionals in the computer engineering industry who can provide innovative solutions to engineering problems.

Technopreneur in Computer Field
Able to develop a business according to the needs and development of society through their skills and innovations in the field of technology.
To become an excellent study program in the field of computer networks, network programming and embedded systems within the scope of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and able to compete in Southeast Asia.
For more information: HERE
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