Undergraduate Informatics Study Program is one of the Study Programs accredited as Excellent nationally by BAN PT May 5,2021 – March 31, 2026. Where the Informatics Study Program earn Best Study Program QS 5 Star: Program Strength (December 2020), Rank 4 in Indonesia in the subject of Computer Science from Times Higher Education (December 2020) and Internationally Accredited IABEE “General Accreditation” dated March 18, 2021.

The massive movement towards computational science has created industry needs that increase with the trend of information technology. To answer this issue, excellent graduates are needed who are able to explore and provide innovation in translating a set of data and information into a unified whole to support business processes.

In order to compete in the world of work, Undergraduate Informatics students are equipped with a basic understanding of strong programming logic and the ability to describe good problems. Thus, graduates of the S1 Informatics program can work in innovation-oriented digital companies such as digital start-ups and technology companies.

Why should you choose Undergraduate Informatics Engineering?

The Undergraduate Informatics study program has extensive job opportunities and competitive salaries. You’ll stay in touch with the latest technology, allowing you to always learn an d grow. It’s a great place to innovate and create, develop your analytical skills, and build connections with fellow industry professionals.

  • Study Length : 4 Years (8 Semester)
  • Accreditation : Excellent
  • Class : Regular and International Class

Graduate Profile

Industrial Engineering


Academics in Informatics who will focus on becoming lecturers and/or researchers at various higher education institutions and/or research institutions at home and abroad.

Informatics Study Program

Engineer Profesional

Intelligent systems analyst and systems developer, Software developer, Systems analyst, UI/UX engineer, Network engineer, Information security engineer, IT consultant, IT forensic investigator


Entrepreneurs in the field of informatics who will use their creativity and innovation skills to build independent businesses or create jobs for others.


Towards an undergraduate study program that has a national and international reputation in education, research, and innovative community service in the field of Informatics, especially intelligent systems.


  • Organizing an undergraduate education program with international standards for the field of Informatics. The scientific field of Informatics which is the focus is intelligent systems.
  • Carry out research in order to develop science and technology for intelligent systems.
  • Participate in providing services to the community and professional community in Informatics, especially communities relevant to the development of intelligent machines and systems.
  • Collaborate with industry, government and alumni in order to develop entrepreneurship in Informatics or other fields relevant to Informatics.


  • Producing graduates who have global competence in the field of Informatics, especially in the field of intelligent systems with character and integrity.
  • The production of scientific work in the field of Informatics, especially in the field of intelligent systems, which is disseminated in internationally indexed publications.
  • Implementation of activities and application of computer-based products that contribute to improving the welfare of society.

For more information: HERE

How to apply please click here!


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