Creative Human Resource, One Key to Improve Global Competitiveness
BANDUNG, TEL – U – Creative industries contribution to the country is remarkable. Product development and innovation will enhance the image and identity of the nation in the converse of the world. Likewise, the resources of the creative industries will always be renewable. “So it could provide a positive social impact for the community and the state,” said Head of Potential and Competitiveness Development in Economic Section, SETDA Bandung, Tris Avianti Ratnajati.
Tris conveyed a statement above in Industrial Gathering Talk Show entitled “Peran Industri Kreatif untuk Membangun Daya Saing Bangsa dalam Menyongsong Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA)” which held in the Hall of FIK Tel-U, on Monday (30/3). The event organized by Telkom University Career Development Center (CDC Tel-U) and supported by the Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK) Tel-U.
Tris conveyed a statement above in Industrial Gathering Talk Show entitled “Peran Industri Kreatif untuk Membangun Daya Saing Bangsa dalam Menyongsong Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA)” which held in the Hall of FIK Tel-U, on Monday (30/3). The event organized by Telkom University Career Development Center (CDC Tel-U) and supported by the Faculty of Creative Industries (FIK) Tel-U.
According Tris, one way to improve the competitiveness of human resources in the creative industries sector is through education. The Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University also help the government to boost the creative industries. “Hopefully this effort could support the government in developing the creative economy sector,” he said.
In the future, Tris said, the government will also help keep the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of each personal creative industries. Because the industry players are now already demonstrated its competitiveness in a globalized world. “It was shown many domestic products that have been used by foreign nations,” he said.
In the future, Tris said, the government will also help keep the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of each personal creative industries. Because the industry players are now already demonstrated its competitiveness in a globalized world. “It was shown many domestic products that have been used by foreign nations,” he said.
Together with Tris, The Dean of FIK Tel-U, Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra MT., and founder of Rumah Batik Komar, H. Komarudin Kudiya, S.IP, M. Ds attain too as speakers. All three provide materials in accordance with their respective fields, that is, from the perspective of government, academics, and practitioners.
Entering the MEA end of 2015, Indonesia is still unable to compete with some of the countries in the ASEAN region. There are many inducement factors which lead Indonesia becomes less competitive compare with other countries in the ASEAN region. Examples, ranging from problems in institutions, educational institutions, the level of innovation, and drive quality level of its human resources.
According to Agus in building the nation’s competitiveness not only of government affairs, but also required the help of many parties involved. “Us, who strived in the Faculty of Creative Industries has responsibility for the birth of the entrepreneur in the creative industries field,” he said. Therefore in FIK strategic planning, the next five years vision is to become a predominant faculty and creativepreneur development center of ICT-based and cultural archipelago.
In the world of creative industries, the development of technology has also become one of the factors to improve competitiveness. According to Komar, with the technology that can be comfortably used by craftsmen, it can advance the quality product of the creative industry itself. “Because this time, as a creative industry businesses, we hassles to get skilled workers to the technology savvy,” he said. (Purel / EAD)
In the world of creative industries, the development of technology has also become one of the factors to improve competitiveness. According to Komar, with the technology that can be comfortably used by craftsmen, it can advance the quality product of the creative industry itself. “Because this time, as a creative industry businesses, we hassles to get skilled workers to the technology savvy,” he said. (Purel / EAD)