Closing Ceremony of P2A Virtual Journey 2020
Closing Ceremony of P2A Virtual Journey 2020. P2A Virtual Journey 2020 with the theme “Green Growth and Eco-Innovation” has been carried out successfully on September 7-21, 2020. 50 participants who joined the program came from 3 universities, namely Telkom University, Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic University, and Mapua University, Philippines. During the program, the participants learned a lot about various materials which were divided into 7 sessions delivered by many experts from Telkom University, Indonesian Islamic University, and Mapua University. One of the fun learning and sharing session was about Improving Idea and Idea Pitching delivered by Fajar Sidiq Adi Prabowo, S.E., MBA., a lecturer of Telkom University in the 5th and 6th session.
Having learned so many ideas from the lecturers, the participants were challenged to create a bright idea related to the topic of the program which is “Green Growth and Eco-Innovation”. They also assisted by several students buddies from 3 universities during the program. Many interesting ideas, starting from bottles made from seaweed to zero waste coffee shops shared by the participants as the final project at the end of the program. Their presentation was previously reviewed by Dr. Astri Ghina, S.Si., M.S.M. then assessed by the P2A Virtual Journey 2020 team including deans from 3 universities.
From five groups that presented their brilliant ideas, 2 groups were selected with the category the best innovative project design. They are group 3 with the project “Trash to Cash” which consist of Annabel Devyanti Noorhaliza, Nurul Hidayati, Halim Dwi Putra, Abdhul Rhohim, Thea Stephanie De Vero, Genesis Matienzo Cruz, Johannes Gabriel De Castro, Aura Mustika Yolanda, Nur Asitah, and Rahmi Hidayati; and group 4 with the project “Weevel Larvae” which consist of Afifah Rohadatul, Zelynda Imbang Ilalang, Yohana Deachrist, Phil Adriel Abesamis Elamparo, Zmantha Ysabel Baja Tupaz, Celeste Mae Timbas Tabanera, Dahlia Dahlan, Mahavirdha Tri Muliawati, Putra Habirun, and Nsengiyumva Jean.
The closing of P2A Virtual Journey 2020 was carried out right after the final project presentation which was attended by dean of Mapua University, Philippines Eira Camus, Vice Rector of Telkom University for Research, Innovation, and Partnership, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T., and Vice Rector of Indonesia Islamic University for Networking & Entrepreneurship, Ir. Wiryono Raharjo, M.Arch., Ph.D. Participants found this program interesting and advantageous for their self-development. Syane, one of a participant from Telkom University said: “working and collaborating with other students from different study program are definitely amazing experience”. Hopefully, after this program they can continue to be friend and make their project come true for the sake of a better world. Mabuhay, everyone!(IO)***