Celebrating Diversity at Indonesian Culture Summer Camp 2019
ICSC 2019. Celebrating Diversity at Indonesian Culture Summer Camp 2019. Who’s here participated in the Indonesian Culture Summer Camp (ICSC) 2019? That was amazing, wasn’t it? Yup, the ICSC 2019 had been implemented successfully on September 26-28, 2019 at Telkom University. About 43 participants coming from various countries were involved in the 3days-event, ICSC 2019.
The opening ceremony of ICSC 2019 (26/9/2019) was held at Tokong Nanas building 4th floor, opened with Jaipong dance from Sawanda student organization of Telkom University. Attended by Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti S.T., M.Eng.Sc., Vice Rector III for Admission, International Partnership and Career Development, to give welcoming speech as well as to officially commence the ICSC 2019 by striking the Sundanese instrument, “gong”. To officially mark the ICSC 2019, Dida also pinned the participant’s ID to two participant representatives.
After attending the Opening Ceremony, all participants started the programs by learning about Indonesian language and culture in “BIPA AKUBISA” class. They were so excited during the class, because at BIPA AKUBISA they learned Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian culture in a fun way including real practice and games. On the last session of the BIPA AKUBISA class participants learned how to make Ketupat, one of Indonesian traditional food. Although all participants found it hard to make, they kept trying until they could make one.
On the second day (27/9/2019) all participants learned about Sundanese culture, such as greeting people in Sundanese Language, some daily routines of Sundanese people, and writing Sundanese letters. Besides, they also practiced Sundanese instrument, Angklung and practiced Sundanese traditional ceremony, Galura. They were asked to perform Angklung and Galura in the next day, on the Cultural Performance. The second day of ICSC 2019 was ended by playing Sundanese games at Student Center of Telkom University.
On the last day of ICSC 2019 (28/9/2019), the main event, all participants practiced Angklung and Sundanese Traditional Ceremony, Galura since the morning. They were going to perform them in the Cultural Performance attended by VIP guest, sponsor, and other visitors including students of Telkom University and public. Although they only had the chance to practice in one day, they could perform Angklung and Sundanese Traditional Ceremony, Galura amazingly. They were so awesome that made them received standing ovation from all guests and visitors.
At the same time and place, other international students, taking regular program at Telkom University participated in Cooking Day. They cooked and presented their signature dish. The Cooking Day also got a lot of attention, because they brought their culture through food. There were The Netherlands, Malaysia, India, Timor Leste and many other countries participated in the Cooking Day. Furthermore, Malaysian, through Roti Jala, got the most favorite dish among other participants.
The ICSC 2019 was ended by performance from the guest star, “Brother Wolf Sister Moon”. All participants as well as the visitors were involved to sing and dance together when guest star presented “Manuk Dadali” song. The ICSC 2019 was so amazing. See you on ICSC 2020.(IO)***