Poster Kriya Textile


Course Code90211
Course NameFashion Design
Department HeadArini Arumsari, S.Ds., M.Ds.
Department Secretary
AddressJl. Telekomunikasi No. 1 – Terusan Buah Batu
Post Code40257
CityKab. Bandung
Telephone Number+6285220045875
Facsimile Number
Title givenBachelor of Design (S.Ds.)
Brief DescriptionFashion Design study program is one of the leading study program in Telkom Creative Industry School that produces graduates who have the ability to design innovative fashion design and textiles based on the National Culture
VisionBecoming a flagship program study in Fashion Design and the center of Creativepreneur competence development  based on Information and Communication Technology
  1. Organize education to support creative-preneurship competence through excellent courses in the study programs to produce professional graduates in Textile Craft and Fashion
  2. Implement research based on creative-preneur competence development orientation to generate innovations in Textile Craft and Fashion that give real contribution to the growth of the national creative economy
  3. Implement community service activities to create creative-preneur candidates in the community that support life quality improvement and empowerment
  4. Utilize ICT development in Indonesia and use it as a means of publicizing the product results of the implementation of Textile Craft and Fashion science
Course Competence
  1. Being able to design fashion and textile products with the use of technology in creative and innovative ways to deal with the dynamic trends and conditions of the environmental problems
  2. Mastering the theory and knowledge of  fashion and textile design and is able to develop and communicating it
  3. Being able to make decisions independently on design academically and in leading the working group
  4. Having  attitude, aesthetic, appreciative and participative ethics in fashion design and textile products
 Learning Outcomes
  1. Students are able to identify, formulate problems  and address the needs of consumers through a simple process of research studies and supported by technology  in implementing product visualization that have economic value and function
  2. Students are able to explore the potential as well as the essence of the elements in National Culture tradition and implement them in accordance with the development of the phenomenon in the surrounding environment into products Textile Craft and Fashion
  3. Students are able to manage and create an independent business in the field of creative industries by utilizing the resources available in their environment effectively and efficiently
  4. Students are able to create tangible results of research that has the value of innovation and high economic value so as to contribute to the development of the Textile Craft and Fashion Study Program
  5. Students are able to take advantage of the development of ICT as a marketing digital for the products/creations


  1. Syllabus
Semester 1 Semester 2
NoKodeNamaSKS NoCodeNameCredit
1DPH1F4Algorithms and Programming4 1DPH1H3Web Design3
2DCH1B2Introduction of Computer and Network2 2DAH1C3Relational Database3
3DAH1A4Accounting Principles4 3DAH1D4Accounting Principles II4
4DAH1B3Introduction of Management and Business3 4DAH1E3Cost Accounting3
5DPH1A3Math logic3 5DAH1F3Management Information Systems3
6LUH1A2Indonesian Language2 6DMH1G2Personal Development2
7DUH1A2ICT Literacy2 7HUH1A2Religious Education and Ethics2
Total Credits20 Total Credits 20


Semester 3 Semester 4
NoKodeNamaSKS NoCodeNameCredit
1DPH2D3Web Programming3 1DPH2H3Framework-Based Web Programming3
2DMH2F3Information System Analysis and Design3 2DAH2F3Corporate Resource Planning3
3DMH2G2Structured Query Language2 3DAH2G3Advanced Taxation3
4DAH2D3Basic  Taxation3 4DAH2H3Management Accounting3
5DAH2E3Intermediate Financial Accounting3 5DAH2I3Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations3
6DMH3B2Professional Ethics2 6DAH1G2English II2
7DUH2A2Entrepreneurship2 7HUH1G3Pancasila and Civic Education3
Total Credits20 Total Credits 20



Semester 5

 5th Semester
NoKodeNamaSKS NoCodeNameCredit
1DPH2C2Software Testing2 1DAH3G4Final Project4
2DAH3C3Introduction to Auditing3 2DMH3A6Internship6
3DAH3D4Corporate Accounting Information System4     
4DAH3E3Financial Management3     
5DAH2A2English III2     
7DMH1B2Professionalism Development2     
8DMH2A2Practical Work2     
Total Credits20 Total Credits 10


  1. Learning Outcome
    1. Attitude
    2. Faithful, humane, cultured, etc
    3. Mastery of Knowledge
    4. Mastering the Practical Theory
    5. Accounting for funds and operating accounting applications
    6. Management accounting to present managerial reports
    7. Main components of Information Systems
    8. Analyze and design systems
    9. Basics of programming and experimenting
    10. General Skills
    11. Special Skills
    12. Identify, record, classify and summarize transactions using the manual systems and computerized transactions
    13. Analyze business processes and reduce information systems for finance and management
    14. Building information systems for finance and management activities
  2. Internship/Practical Work Schedule
    1. Internships are held in semester 6 (January-April) for 4 months
    2. Practical work is held between even and odd semester for 1 month
  3. Entrepreneur Students
NONameStudent ID/ClassBusinessContact Person
1IrnaFawwazi6703164073Basrenginoy082216647749 (jasatitipbaju online)089514738246
3NovieYantiNursolihah6703164065Jualpulsa, kuota, jual skincare dariprodukJafra083825933792
5AdiyudhaPradana6703160006Brand Ambbasador cicil.com089630523070


6Muhammad Balyan6703160060jualmadudantembakau083821898003
7MuhamadNurdiansyah6703172007Freedom cloth085779442250


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