Webinar: “Design and Defend Your PhD with the Idea Puzzle Software”

Webinar: “Design and Defend Your PhD with the Idea Puzzle Software”

Webinar: “Design and Defend Your PhD with the Idea Puzzle Software”. Strategic Partnership of Telkom University successfully organized webinar under the topic: “Design and Defend your PhD with the Idea Puzzle Software”, held in Wednesday, July 1st 2020. Some people find writing research proposal is way too difficult. How to generate idea and construct them into ideal proposal surely need so much effort and great knowledge. Meanwhile, some people argued that a good proposal will lead you to have an outstanding research. That is why, for graduate students who wish to enroll for post graduate school, thesis/research proposal is crucial to determine them whether they will be accepted in their dream campus to join with or not.

This webinar was designed to facilitate conveniences for lecturers and researchers to find idea in writing their research through Idea Puzzle Software, as mentioned by the Vice Rector of Telkom University for Research, Innovation, and Partnership, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T., in her welcoming speech. Joining also, the Director of Strategic Partnership and International Office of Telkom University, Lia Yuldinawati, the Manager of International Office, Indah Fajarwati, and all assisstant managers under the Directorate of Strategic Partnership and International Office.

The invited speaker, Prof. Ricardo Morais, a Head of the Management Department at Católica Porto Business School, Coordinator of the Doctoral Seminar ‘How to design your PhD’ at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in Brussels, and also the CEO of Idea Puzzle, delivered the material clearly by showing every single step of how Idea Puzzle Software works. According to Morais & Brailsford, 2019, Idea Puzzle Software is an online application which can be a decision-making tool for PhD students to coherently arrange the theory, method, data, rhetoric, and authorship of a research proposal, article or thesis in the light of Philosophy of Science.

There are 21 puzzles in form of triangle that will help researchers (user) compose a research proposal. Every puzzle will guide user by providing question and small text-box to compose the idea. Beside, there are feature “help” for references that people might answer in each puzzle, and “evaluation” for measuring the idea whether it is 100% decided, 50% decided, or even 0% decided that will be highlighted by the color green, yellow, and red respectively. In the left side of the triangle, it consists of 5 puzzles about epistemological stuff; in the right side, there are 5 puzzles consisting of empirical/theoretical stuff; at the bottom side, there are 5 puzzles about methodological stuff; and in the middle, there are 6 puzzles consisting the information of the researcher and the research itself. The following is a picture of the 21 puzzles in Idea Puzzle Software:

Through this Idea Puzzle Software, researchers can generate the proposal with or without the supervisor. In “Trust” puzzle, user can put anyone considered eligible to evaluate the proposal. Thus, what are you waiting for? The Idea Puzzle Software is worth a try.(IO)***