Research and National Innovation-Based Toward Advance Indonesia: The Role of Higher Education in the Development of National Industry

Research and National Innovation-Based Toward Advance Indonesia: The Role of Higher Education in the Development of National Industry

Research and National Innovation-Based Toward Advance Indonesia: The Role of Higher Education in the Development of National Industry. Research, one of the three pillars of education, is a focus that must always be developed by various elements including lecturers and researchers. Especially in this pandemic era, the existence of research to cope with the Covid-19 is very important.

Telkom University, during the pandemic, continues to conduct research and innovation to participate in overcoming the Covid-19. AUMR Robot, Inserta Face Mask, Doctor Representative Robot (DOPER) and so on are some of the innovations developed by Telkom University researchers collaborated with other parties.

To further motivate researchers, Telkom University held a webinar with the theme:”Research and National Innovation-Based Toward Advance Indonesia: The Role of Higher Education in the Development of National Industry” on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020.Unmitigated, Telkom University invited Minister of Research & Technology and Head of the National Innovation Research Agency, Prof. Bambang Soemantri Brodjonegoro Ph.D., as one of the speakers at the webinar.

According to Directorate of Higher Education Institutional Development, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education 2019, Telkom University showed good performance in terms of research, innovation, and community service by sucessfully ranked 14th in the cluster 2. Therefore, Prof. Bambang highly expects Telkom University academia can continue making research and innovation to support Indonesia toward Advanced Indonesia. To support Advanced Indonesia with its economic growth, it is hoped that universities can create research and innovation that lead to the 4 pillars of research and innovation which support:

  1. Appropriate technology
  2. Value added and commercial
  3. Import substitution and improvement of TKDN
  4. The vanguard technology

As almost all countries are experiencing this pandemic, many new habits must be applied. Of course, this condition challenges researchers to create various innovations especially in transforming into digital era. There are 10 technological trends during the pandemic that need to be continuously develoved: 1) Online Shopping, 2) Digital Payment, 3) Teleworking (WFH), 4) Telemedicine, 5) Tele-education and Training, 6) Online entertainment, 7) Supply Chain 4.0, 8) 3D Printing, 9) Robot & Drone, and 10) Technology 5G and ICT.

In that ocasion, a number of research centers of Telkom University under Vice Rektor IV for Research, Innovation, and Partnership, had a chance to introduce their concentration and innovations which then invited other researchers to join and collaborate in creating various innovations to support Indonesian economic growth toward Advanced Indonesia. There areBandung Techno Park, Research Center for Digital Business Ecosystems, Research Center for Advanced Creative Networks, the Internet of Things Research Center, Advanced Wireless Technology Research Center, and Human Centric Engineering Research Center. Let’s contribute to the nation by being part of our innovations! (IO)***