Public Diplomacy and the Youth

Public Diplomacy and the Youth

Public Diplomacy and the Youth. As part of a series of 64 Year Commemoration of  The Asia Africa Conference, Telkom University in collaboration with Museum of the Asian African Conference held International Students Gathering (ISG) with the theme “Public Diplomacy and the Youth” on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 in the Permanent Exhibition Room of the Museum of the Asian African Conference. This is the second time Telkom University has collaborated with the Museum of the Asian African Conference in organizing ISG activities since 2018.

The event began with a welcome speech from the Head of the KAA Museum, Meinarti Fauzie, and remarks from the President of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya. Present as speaker was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s Public Diplomacy Director, Azis Nurwahyudi and Vice President III for Admission and Career Development, Telkom University, Dida Diah Damajanti.

ISG aims to gather international students to create mutual understanding that will encourage increased solidarity and cooperation. This year’s ISG activities received high enthusiasm with more than 160 foreign participants from 35 countries registering and 33 member of the KAA Museum Friends. They are students who are studying at various universities in Bandung and other cities in Indonesia.

In accordance with the theme of ISG 2019, Vice President III of Telkom University as the ISG implementation partner convey about Telkom University programs for students, especially foreign students, related to character development within the framework of Telkom University Youth Diplomacy.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Diplomacy as the keynote speaker explained about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s public diplomacy programs that targeted the younger generation in particular those who involving foreign constituents. Among them are the Bali Democracy Student Conference, Outstanding Youth for the World, Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship, Friends of Indonesia, Interfaith Dialogue, etc.

Closing his explanation, the Director of Public Diplomacy conveyed his hopes through activities that participants can get an overview of the real contributions that can be given in efforts to improve bilateral relations between each participating country and Indonesia.

After the discussion was completed, the participants held a mingling session for share their stories and experiences during their studies in Indonesia. (IO)***