Hanbat & Tel-U Collaborate in Capstone Design

Hanbat & Tel-U Collaborate in Capstone Design

Hanbat & Tel-U Collaborate in Capstone Design. The higher education research atmosphere was very pronounce on Tuesday (16/2/21) when Telkom University, Indonesia and Hanbat National University, South Korea students and researchers gathered in the Progress Report Session for A Collaboration Research in Capstone Design between Telkom University and Hanbat National University. More than 50 participants with 15 research groups were presenting their progress reports on their research.

The Director of Research and Community Service of Telkom University Dr. Angga Rusdinar said, this research collaboration will last all year. Students and lecturers from each university find problems in their environment, then look for solutions in the form of technological innovation by conducting joint research.

“For example, Telkom University student research focuses on problems in the Citarum river and tea plantations,” he said.

In a normal time, the research groups supposed to visit each other’s countries to gain more data and onsite observation. But due to the pandemic of Covid-19, they can only meet online to share the progress that they achieved in their research every 3 months.

“By sharing the progress report we hope that we can find the new method that is more effective and efficient,” Angga added.

Hanbat & Tel-U Enthusiasm

Meanwhile, the colleagues from Hanbat National University were very enthusiastic in responding to the researches of Telkom University researchers. They asked about the technology, the method, even about the price of the tools that used in the studies. Telkom University’s groups of research also show the same passion.

Here is some research’s topic that were reported yesterday: Clone Tea Leaves GMB, GT-Id Gambung Tea Leaf Identification, IOT Based Garbage Interceptor Monitoring System in Citarum River Basin, Soil Water Content Estimation Method, Citarum Harum Water Monitoring, Plastic Fischer, Radar for Soil Water Content Mapping, Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Method, and Automatic Weather Station. All these studies are expected to be a solution that makes the environment better.(IO)***

hanbat and telkom university research collaboration