Student Exchange and Credit Earning Program Academic Year 2018/2019
Telkom University provides the opportunity to experience learning in one of the largest archipelago countries in the world, and feel the excitement of learning with a variety of different cultures through this program.
Students Exchange Program
This program is dedicated to the Telkom University Partner. The partner university students are eligible to get the tuition fee waiver when they inquiries to study at Telkom University.
Credit Earning Program
This program is dedicated to the partner universities other than mentioned in the partner cooperation. The students from any university could join this program, other than the students from partners university. The tuition fees will be IDR 23,000,000 or USD 1,750 (1 USD = IDR 13,143) per semester.
Support for International Students
- Online Application System. We provide online application system for the new incoming International Students. The international students could apply to study at Telkom University with easy.
- Dormitory. To support the running of education at Telkom University, we provide the dormitory for international students inside the campus making learning process smoothly.
- Fun Bahasa Indonesia. To assist you in making a smooth transition to living and studying at Telkom University, we have provider Bahasa Indonesia courses for new coming International Students. Bahasa Indonesia schedule is about 2-3 times in a week.
- Student Activity. International Students also could join some Student Activity Club such as sport, music, culture.
- Sport Facility. Telkom University also have many sport facility including swimming pool, football court, futsal court, basketball court, tennis court, badminton court etc.
- International Student Activity. To experience and to introduce Indonesian culture, we held International Students Activity. Activities offering for International Students such as Outing Program, Cooking Day/Fun Cooking, Telkom Bhinneka Race, Bandung City Tour.
- International Office. International Office is the office who represent Telkom University in the International Level, International Office will also support for all of the international student inquiries.
Course Offered
Student Exchange and Credit Earning Program
Course Name | Brief Explanation |
Industrial Engineering | Industrial Engineering Department aims to produce graduates who have a Tier 1 level upon ability as graduates who are able to design, execute, evaluate, and develop an integrated system consisting of human, material, method, machine/tools, Money, Energy, Environment, and Information becomes better. Developed as a study program that not only emphasizes academic skills of graduates but also trying to increase the value graduates with hard skill and other soft skill related to industrial engineering field. |
Information System | Information System study program is designed to produce competent human resources in the management of information and communication industry with expertise in the field of information systems, management, and information technology. Bachelor of Information Systems will have the ability to design an information system of a business organization that is effective and efficient by implementing the latest information technology in various applications so that bachelor of Information System will be able to contribute to the progress of the development of telematics or communication equipment in Indonesia and International. |
International ICT Business | Graduates of International ICT Business study program are acceptable in the telecommunication industry and other industries that intensively use ICT in business processes. International ICT Business has a clear focus that is supported by a curriculum that fits the needs of the telecommunication. As an educational institution under PT Telkom, International ICT Business program study get supports both directly or indirectly to the direction, resources, and quality of the educational process in International ICT Business study program |
Arts & Design Special Program | This program is specialized for the students who want to learn arts and design in the context of Indonesian Creative Industry fields of study. This program enabling the students to familiarize with the Indonesian ethnics and traditional culture. Consist of the class learning and real exercise in the labs. |
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Student Exchange and Credit Earning Program
Contact Us
International Office Telkom University, Learning Center (Bangkit) Building