Investment Analysis and Portfolio

January 1, 2017
3 credits


This course describes the the basic concept of investment theory in terms of recognizing the purpose as well as the decisions in investment. The discussion is conducted systematically so that the students are able to understand and have the ability to perform and manage the investment as well as knowing the investment condition in Indonesia.

The topics which are discussed in this course are investment in securities such as stocks, obligations or option and future contracts which are useful in analyzing various kinds of investments. The students will also learn about basic knowledge of investments in securities organizational background of securities market, evaluation survey and risk management principles which are useful in certain markets such as stocks and obligations as well as introduction to portofolio construction principles.

LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter taking this course students are introduced to investment environment. Students are expected to analyze in invesment field, have the intuition which can direct him/her when facing new ideas and challenges in their professional world, introduce them to the main issues which become a center of attention of all investors as well as have the basic competence to make an evaluation to the recent investment issues.


COMPETENCIESExplaining the scope of investment foundation, the diversification of stock ownership

Explaining the scope of the basics of investment, the estimated level of risk faced by investors, the types of investment companies,

Demonstrating how competition among analysts leads to market efficiency,

Elaborating analysis of Teknika

Analyzing the government’s microeconomic policies and the macro environment with the business cycle as well as techniques in designing valuation models.

Analyzing working options and futures, trading mechanisms as well as the basics of risk management.

Evaluating decisions based on the selection of investment portofolios.

Explaining the scope of investment foundation.

SUBJECTInvestment, risk and yield rate, securities market, mutual funds and other investment companies, efficient diversification, capital asset pricing and arbitrage pricing theory, efficient market hypothesis, behavioral finance and technical analysis, macroeconomic and industry analysis, valuation of wquity, options market, valuation options as well as  future makets and risk management.

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